Many of you might believe that print marketing is on the brink of extinction. However, the reality is very different from what it first appears to be and it is still a very relevant and important part of branding. Brands that employ print media, such as brochures, direct mail, business cards, banners, newspapers, and more, are said to be engaging in print marketing and advertising. A disturbing number of business owners regard print media as outdated and “obsolete. The marketing mix still includes print media, which is still of vital importance, and we understand the value it holds even to this day. Kalavid has been a part of the digital marketing and advertising agency for over two decades. We are a branding agency in Rajkot which caters to digital and print advertising and branding needs.

With the correct combination of print and digital marketing, you will have an advantage over your competition. Even something as simple as business cards enhances the likelihood that customers will get interested in your brand or services. Print media is often regarded as having a higher level of credibility than digital media. People subscribe to periodicals and newspapers for a reason: they think the information therein is reliable, accurate, and will somehow benefit them. Public perception of your brand is improved by advertising through these channels. 

5 Reasons why you should focus on print media

Boost your brand visibility

Print marketing is a terrific approach to increasing brand visibility and awareness outside of only using digital technologies. Print advertising strategies can reach many consumers who were previously unaware of your company thanks to their effective marketing. Marketers are aware of how important it is to have a strong brand identity, and printed publications and other branded products are great tools for doing this. It enables you to add aesthetically pleasing elements like typeface, colors, photos, and texture that support brand awareness. As we’ve been a brand and advertising agency for over 23 years, we understand all of your brand needs and how to satisfy each one of them as well.


Print media has many more advantages than the ordinary person realizes. Print media lasts longer than websites do. For example, physical brochures can be picked up, put down, and referred back to rather than spending a small amount of time on a site before leaving. We possess a vast area of expertise in brochure making and can help provide you with the ones that are the best in business, made with your brand and its story in mind. A brand should always keep a balance between print and digital branding.

Less competition

Print media gives a more storied and straightforward experience. Print media is the new trend as more businesses focus their marketing efforts online, making the old new again. People had severely started to underestimate and underutilize the process and profits of print media, but the tables have started to turn. Less competition and a successful print media campaign guarantee success.

Builds trust

Because it establishes trust, print media is significant. Purchasing printed materials shows clients that you take your company seriously and that you provide a valuable good or service. Print media and other branded products are effective ways to build a strong brand, which marketers recognize as being important. As a result of the association between your brand’s name and the publication’s name, advertising in these outlets improves how the public perceives your company. Another sign of authenticity is using print media of a higher caliber to increase brand awareness.

Reach your target audience

In terms of design aesthetics and method of distribution, printed media can be customized to your target audience. As a result, you can concentrate your marketing efforts on attracting the desired demographic and tailoring the content to be interesting and relevant to them. Your target audience, whether it be a specific niche market or the general public, can be reached through the layout and placement of your company’s advertisements in journals, newspapers, and magazines. There is content in magazines, newspapers, and newsletters that is only read by readers with a particular interest. As a result, those who are interested in your company or product will see your printed marketing. Our branding service ensures that it will grab the attention of your target audience effortlessly. 


Print advertising gives readers a chance to consider your brand and message in a way that other forms of media do not. Print advertising could help you carry out your digital marketing plan. The number of people that visit your website can be increased with well-targeted print advertising. Even though print media is an incredible instrument, it functions best when combined with other forms of promotion and marketing. The most effective campaigns offer a balanced combination of print and digital advertising. Using tailored campaigns to attract consumers can be an extremely useful and efficient method.

Additionally, print media campaigns are simple to create and modify to suit customer preferences. If you have any unfulfilled print media needs, you should invest in Kalavid; being an active print media advertising agency, we are well aware of the atmosphere that the industry holds and how to conquer the barriers that stand in the way of the creation of a successful brand. Print media is very much still relevant today and will not be going out of style anytime soon.